Attendance Concerns

Contact sales to set up Attendance Concerns in your Orah dashboard.

Schools can define custom attendance rules that trigger alerts & workflows when specific thresholds are met.
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Trusted by 500+ independent schools

Proactively Identifying Attendance Issues Before They Escalate

Spot Attendance Patterns & Take Action

Attendance is more than just checking who’s in class—it’s a key indicator of student engagement and well-being. Patterns of lateness or absence can be the first signs of deeper issues, whether academic, social, or personal. But without a structured way to track and respond to these trends, at-risk students can slip through the cracks.

That’s why we built Attendance Concerns

Attendance Concerns automatically identifies and flags patterns of unexcused absences, repeated tardiness, and other attendance-related trends—ensuring schools can intervene before small issues turn into big problems.

How It Works

With Attendance Concerns, schools can define custom attendance rules that trigger alerts when specific thresholds are met. This means:

Automated Alerts: Schools set the rules, and Orah notifies staff when a student meets the criteria for concern (e.g., three unexcused absences in a row).
Integrated Student Support: Schools using Orah’s pastoral care and behavior tracking can link attendance concerns to student records for a complete picture of their well-being.
Streamlined Intervention: The right staff are notified in real time, enabling proactive check-ins and follow-ups.

Attendance Concerns in Action

Schools can configure Attendance Concerns to flag issues such as:

  • Three unexcused absences in a row for a specific class. A teacher is alerted to check in with the student.
  • Repeated tardiness over two weeks. A dean of students receives a notification to assess potential causes.
  • A boarding student missing evening check-ins multiple times. House staff are prompted to follow up and ensure the student is safe.

Why It Matters

Without a structured process, attendance concerns often go unnoticed until a student is already at risk. By linking real-time attendance tracking with proactive intervention, Orah helps schools:

🚨 Identify students who need help early, before disengagement becomes a pattern.
📢 Improve communication between students, parents, and staff around attendance.
📊 Use data-driven insights to support student success across attendance and well-being.

New Attendance Concerns Page

  • The new  ‘Attendance Concerns’ page lists all triggered alerts as concerns.
  • It includes filters, sorting options, and a search bar for easy navigation.
  • Concerns are grouped by tabs based on their status.

Concern Status

  • There are three statuses to choose from
    • Concern Opened (default status)
    • Action Needed
    • Concern Closed
  • Authorised staff can manually update the status of a triggered alert
  • When a concern status changes, staff members with access to the alert will receive an email notification, keeping everyone informed

Comments & History

  • Staff can collaborate by tagging colleagues in the comments section to discuss concerns
  • The history tab documents concern status changes including the staff member, date, and status update

Note: To streamline alerts and concerns, all past and future alerts will now be categorised as 'Concern Opened' on the new page by default.

This update moves us closer to a complete attendance management lifecycle—from roll call to alerts to resolution—making the process smoother, more transparent, and more effective for student success.

Read more about how Attendance Concerns works in the Orah Help Center.

Seamless Integration with Orah’s Student Care Ecosystem

Attendance Concerns works with Orah’s student behavior notes, student mood tracking, and parent notifications–schools can take a holistic approach to student support.

Get Started Today

Empower your school to track, identify, and act on attendance trends with Orah’s Attendance Concerns.

Want to try it at your school? Get a demo today.