The Future of Attendance: Moving Towards Teacherless Roll Calls
If you can't make the time, register anyway and we'll send you the recording and slides afterwards.
Attendance has always been a manual process, but what if it didn’t have to be? Schools around the world are exploring ways to automate roll calls, reduce admin work for teachers, and improve accuracy–and Orah is leading the charge.
We’ll discuss the vision for teacherless attendance and showcase how independent schools can transition toward an automated attendance system.
This webinar is designed for school leaders, IT directors, and operations teams at independent schools who want to reduce manual processes and improve accuracy in attendance tracking.
At the end of the session, we’ll be inviting schools to join our Early Adopter Group to help shape the next phase of automated attendance. You can join now if you’d like to participate.
Register and you will be redirected to the recording immedsiately. The webcast is 40 minutes long (including Q&A). When you register, you will be sent a recording of the demo and the slides.