Don't guess how your students are feeling

Schools use Orah Nurture to identify at-risk students, so you can take preventative measures.

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Trusted by 500+ independent schools

Over 100,000 Mood Checks™️ completed by students!

Hear how Montcrest School use Mood Check™️ data to support their students
Orah Nurture - Student app dashboard.

Ensure you're not missing any students with Mood Checks™️

  • Students log 30-second Mood Checks™️ at designated times in class via a mobile or web app
  • Mood Checks™️ are a safe way for quiet students to share that they may need support
  • Schools can customize Mood Checks™️ for different age groups, based on Orah templates
  • Backed by neuroscience, frequent Mood Checks™️ helps students to grow their capacity for emotional intelligence and helps students feel more fulfilled at school.

What are Mood Checks™️?

Mood Checks™️ is a science-backed mood tracker that helps students build emotional intelligence and reflect on what influences impact them the most. As a trusted adult, you will get a bird’s eye view of how your students are tracking so you can be more responsive to their emotional needs.

Use Surveys to dig deeper

  • Measure wellbeing against your schools own wellbeing framework or use our templates.
  • Create short or long-form surveys to understand more complex wellbeing issues and collect the data most relevant to your school.
  • World-class UX, accessibility & in-app prompts means you can bank on a higher completion rate from your students when compared to a standard survey tool.
Orah Nurture - Student app dashboard.
Orah Nurture - Student app dashboard.

Give students a resource center to find the help they need

  • Use in-house content or expert content to provide students with the content needed to learn how to self-manage.
  • Students can access these resources on the Orah app on their phone or on the designated web app during allocated class times.
  • Students can book in time with staff they trust, whether it's counselors or staff they feel safe with.
  • If student's need external help your school can provide contacts for students to reach out to.

Log Orah Notes, get AI generated reports back

  • Free behavior management tool for your whole school.
  • Customizable note categories means you can generate behavioral, wellbeing or student progress reports in just a few clicks.
  • Use the Orah Notes Chrome plugin to take notes in real time, without switching tabs.
Get started for free

Orah helps you deliver a high standard of student care

Join our global community of schools who use Orah Nurture to identify at-risk students and improve student life.

Don't let your students fly under the radar

  • Set rules and follow up with students who are out of character
  • Alert the right staff so the students deal with a familiar face
  • Be proactive and stop troubles before they happen.

Measure your students against your own version of wellbeing, or leverage an expert

  • Every school is different. Create custom surveys that relate to your school's wellbeing framework or leverage an expert's template to gain expertise in seconds.
  • Select from a library of questions or build your own to suit your school
  • Use survey templates from well-known experts so you can see how you measure-up to standardised frameworks.

Connect the dots – see how low moods can impact attendance

  • Review wellbeing data from Nurture alongside attendance data to identify trends.
  • Build custom dashboards to surface the insights you care about
  • Control who can see which dashboards to provide relevant insights and to maintain privacy

"Students are starting to get more engaged just because of the way we're able to communicate and share information with them"

Jason Coady

Dean of Students & Campus Life
Stuart Hall School

"Orah is a clean platform that allows you to see and track any concerns with students. You can see if they're not participating, eating regularly, or leaving the building. Those are incredibly helpful pieces that facilitate meaningful conversations"

Ryan Brandon

Director of Resident Life
Saint John's Prep

"Orah ensures that you are on the top of your game when it comes to making sure that students are safe and accounted for. After using Orah, I can’t imagine operating without it now."

John Spear

Assistant Head for School Life
Northwood School

"The checkpoint kiosk has provided a professional way to manage the sign in/out of the pupils and staff, which supports the safeguarding of pupils. The system is very easy to use, allowing proper management of access to Boarding Houses."

Anna Kempster

Head of IT Systems
Eton College
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See how it all works together

Our Orah experts are here to help you and your team safeguard your students while they are in your care.

Manage student life in one place

Orah is trusted by some of the world's top schools, including Phillips Exeter Academy, Eton College and soon... you?


Know where your students are while they are in your care, in real time.

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Identify at-risk students, especially those that are less likely to speak up.

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Communicate with colleagues, students & parents in one place.

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