Orah Roll-Checks

Take attendance from anywhere

Take attendance on-the-go using Orah's mobile apps, Chrome Extension or web app. Knowing where students are is essential for student safety, make it easy for your staff to stay on top of roll call with Orah.
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Trusted by 500+ independent schools

Know where your students are

Keeping track of where students are on and off-campus shouldn't be so difficult. Orah makes sure of that with simple solutions for attendance, sign-in, passes, manual & automatics roll-checks, leave requests and permission workflows.

Take attendance, fast.

Whatever the situation, with Orah Roll Checks you can accurately track and report on student attendance from anywhere. Take a roll from your smartphone, collaborate on a school-wide roll check with multiple staff members, or even set up an automated roll to capture attendance as students 'check-in' to certain locations.

It's easiest if we show you

Watch the demo below, it's a good overview of the Orah Supervise module and explains how we help you keep track of where your students are on and off campus when you need to know.

We know schools, and we know that every school is different. Our team seek to understand you and your school first, before sharing their expertise gleaned from working with some of the world's top schools – if we honestly believe there are better solutions out there for your school, we'll tell you. Get a demo to see for yourself.