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Group Conversations are Here

Ronan Quirke

August 1, 2024

Orah Group Conversations

We’ve been busy all year adding new capabilities to Orah Communications.

When we recently launched one to one conversations, we knew what you were going to ask and we had the answer ready–group conversations are here!

Today we have released the ability to create a group conversation with as many students as you are brave enough to do so with 🙂 Orah Communications allows schools to securely message students in a controlled environment. Only staff can initiate conversations, and conversations can be monitored.

Here's a quick overview of how it works

Live webinar

Hear what's new in Orah Communication from Ronan & Kurt, Orah's product leaders.

Register for the webinar here.

New ways to add students to conversations

Now there are many ways you can find the right students to bring into your Orah conversations:

  • Search by name
  • Use Orah tags to find a group of students
  • Use houses to find a house group
  • Use classes (SIS groups) to find specific students you teach
  • –or a combination of all the above.

You can use the school data structures you already have in place as needed to create the groups that work best for your school.

And don’t forget: if it helps, you can:

  • Give a group a name
  • Add or remove members as you need to

This is a simple but very powerful feature of Orah Communications and we are excited to see how you might be using it.

If you are part of an Orah School

We would be happy to set you up with a free trial of Orah Communications–it will take just a few minutes to set up.

Contact your Orah rep of get a demo to start the process.

If you are not part of an Orah school yet

We would be happy to show you how it works and set you up with a trial.

Get a demo to start the process.

Product Update

Get Orah Passes, Attendance Insights & Alerts free for 30 days, plus an incredibly useful newsletter

Join thousands of school leaders exceeding their school's duty of care—subscribers receive free access to our attendance management tools, Orah Passes, Attendance Insights & Alerts for 30 days. When you sign up, we'll send you a guide detailing the setup process.

Ronan Quirke

I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my family which includes three young kids, two cats and a dog. When not cleaning up after them, I love walking the amazing parks and tracks of New Zealand. I have been developing websites and apps for over 20 years for a variety of companies and industries. I enjoy finding ways to make a positive impact by providing schools and families with better tools to help the next generation.

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