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Spotting Patterns, Taking Action: How Attendance Concerns Help Schools Intervene Early

With Attendance Concerns, you could alert a Year-Level Dean if a student in their grade is late to class 3 times in a row within a month, which would open up a new Attendance Concern for them to triage and action.

Product Update

2024 Recap

2024 was a busy year jam-packed with core product changes and new updates that work towards making independent schools safer than ever before. This article is a quick summary of all the primary releases made in the last 12 months.

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Student Attendance Insights: New from Orah

The Student Attendance Insights is now available on a student profile page within Orah. It is essentially a tab within a student’s profile that aggregates attendance metrics, course specific data and filters.

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Announcing Multiple Active Passes for Day and Boarding Schools

Managing passes has just become more flexible and seamless with Orah. We’re excited to announce the release of our Multiple Active Passes feature, designed to improve how schools manage passes for students across both day and boarding.

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Attendance Alerts Just Got a Helpful Upgrade

Previously, you could only select one recipient type for an attendance alert. Now, you can include all three recipient types in a single alert.

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Group Conversations are Here

Create a secure staff-initiated group conversation with multiple students.

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Know Where Your Students Are, in Real-Time.

The new Location Overview page gives you a real-time understanding of where your students are so you can easily find students when you need to.

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Introducing Orah's New Direct Communications Chat Tool for Schools

Our communications team have been busy developing the much-requested ability to bring direct messaging into Orah so you can have one place where messaging, organising communications and ensuring your school has oversight, all in one place.

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Latest Updates to Workflows (May 2024)

Orah schools have been looking for ways to improve their utility in response to student actions, so we’ve made a number of enhancements to help with this.

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The (New) Easier Way To Communicate With Your Students

Broadcast responses are a simple but effective way to gather a positive (or negative) response from students & parents - ensure students read and acknowledge important messages, or get quick feedback on something time-sensitive

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Introducing Orah’s New And Improved Shift Reports

Every boarding school writes up a “Shift Report” or “Duty Report”. We knew we could do it better.

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Empowering Education: Unveiling the Orah Browser Extension Duo for Class Attendance and Teacher's Notes

Unveiling Orah's new Browser Extensions for Chrome. It's even easier to mark a roll or log student conduct notes. In this brief article, we'll explain how each extension works and how you can start using them.

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