What was the biggest challenge before you used Orah at your school?
Keeping track of various information in different platforms: google docs, spreadsheets, medical logs, etc.
What was the process of getting started with Orah like?
Due to how our dorms are physically structured, we had to be creative in how to use the software specially for check-ins. We made lots of little adjustments in the first few weeks but the support team was always available for every tweak we made until we achieved what we wanted.
What has the success/support team at Orah been like to work with?
Extremely professional and helpful. They are always available, eager to help and extremely responsive through the website or email. They are also very easy to set up phone appointments with for times when emailing back and forth is not efficient.
What was it like to get the rest of your team up and running with Orah?
Everybody was very excited because we were aware that how we were doing things was not great. We knew there would be a few bumps but everybody was invested.
What has allowed you to be so successful with Orah?
All the information is recorded in one place and accessible from any device. It is also very helpful to be able to search for information in a variety of ways; per kid, leave type, discipline note, House, etc. It has allowed for every faculty member of the Residential Life team to be on the same page and communication has improved drastically.
Has there been a particular Orah feature that has helped you the most?
Going to the Activity section when one goes on duty and immediately learning what has been taking place leading up to that moment. Who is sick, who is off campus, who missed breakfast roll. All of this information is in one place.
What would you say to other schools looking to implement Orah at their school?
It is a no brainer. Student accountability and safety instantly improve. Adults feel more informed and the amount of unpleasant surprises has diminished.
What made you choose Orah over the other options out there?
I was at a conference with other Directors of Residential Life and Orah was the software everybody else recommended.